Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 15 & 16- March 31, 2020

 We missed a day.....  I went to bed early last night because I was exhausted!  It was AMAZING to sleep a full 8 hours! 

We have been working on projects around the house that need to be done now that the weather is better.  I call it "The School Of Hard Knocks."  We still do our academic time in the morning until lunch and then work outside in the afternoon.  We have been making some great progress with little steps in homeschooling.  Mia's teachers send a lot of stuff to her online to work on.  She likes to sit in the reading area of the house to study.  Usually she has a "Buddy" helping her with homework. 

Cats help with homework.  
Part of my goal for this time home with them is to teach life skills.  Sometimes in school they are so busy in classes, activities, etc, that we forget to teach them the things they need to know in life.  So... yesterday Mia learned about tiling in gutter spouts.  She is in charge of laundry in the morning and hanging it outside.  I have really watched her "grow up" in three weeks at home with me.  She is not   so much a kid anymore, but a young woman.  She's also learning to drive on our ATV.  She can back that sucker like a champ!  Today she drove on her own to load lime for the greenhouse, backed it up to the right spot, and shoveled two giant loads in the back.  She's available for hire after COVID!  I have found that Mia is very hands on with learning and actually doesn't mind getting dirty.  She prefers to get her work done for school in the morning and then do things she likes in the afternoon.  

Hanging up clothes like a champ!  LOL

Get your drivers face on!  Mia's on the road.

Brad is completely the opposite on the learning spectrum.  Brad likes structure, school, and routine.  Brad is also very smart.  He actually completed all the lesson for 2nd grade math on Khan Academy....so today we started 3rd grade math.  LOL.  It took him 30 minutes to figure out single and double digit multiplication and tonight he wanted me to do timed tests with me.  Good gravy!  It cracks me up because he's faster at math than his sister!  Brad also loves the history videos we borrowed from a friend.  He wants to watch them everyday.  He also is my adventure man.  Today we left Mia at home and we adventured to the Baldwin Marsh to look at the geese and ducks.  He came home sopping wet, but the pictures of him with those damn science goggles on makes my heart happy.  It was nice to see him smile today and forget everything going on.  

Brad in his element-  Baldwin Marsh

Brad's Easter craft from Grandma

Working on multiplication

We starting planting our garden seeds today.  Both kids planted two flats of seeds during science time.  :)  We also finished the lime floor in the greenhouse so we can begin putting in the planters so they are ready.  TEAMWORK!  The kids helped out tremendously.  Minimal fighting........JK!  Mia only hit Brad once with the shovel, so I guess that's positive!  

Mom, our garden is going to be huge!!

Mia is in deep concentration counting seeds....LOL

Lime floor is in!  Only took two loads!

Child labor laws don't apply.....load that lime!

We ended the night with some Mavis snuggles and painting Easter eggs before I had online bible study.

Easter egg painting

Mavis snuggles are the best

I ended the evening today with a bible study I'm co-leading.  It was just the best way to end my day.  I am so excited to "get together" online with such an amazing group of ladies once a week to study scripture and the book "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way" by Lysa TerKueurst.  It is the book that changed my life a year ago and I'm so excited to share with other women as we all balance out social distancing, jobs, and life commitments.  I think the hardest part of social distancing is the way it messes with you mentally by taking away all interactions with others and changes your mindset.  When you are alone, you start letting fear talk to you instead.  I am not like that.  I'm actually okay being alone for the most part.  For those that really know me; I'm blunt, I'm bold, and I don't really care if people like me.  I spent three years in a job that consumed me without a lot of "friends."  When I read this book it changed my perspective on life.  I respect the rules of everything going on in this fight against an invisible threat, but I don't fear it.  I wake up everyday thankful for what I have, the time with my kids, what I did the day before, and start again.  I don't make plans for weeks ahead because the future is not mine to control.  This way of living is not new to me... only the lack of social interaction with the ones I love and maybe I spend less money at Wal-Mart because I refuse to go there.  LOL.  A wise friend said in our study tonight, "be gentle with yourself."  This is 100% accurate.  During this time of unknown, be gentle on yourself.  It's okay to not be happy all the time, it's okay to be sad, its' okay to cry, it's okay to be angry.  Just make sure you don't remain there and that you live, too.  Take a walk, pray, call a friend, read a book.  Just don't let all this consume you.  This too shall pass.  Unfortunately, it's just going to take time.  But with this time, find joy in small things and take time to breathe.  You are not alone. 

God bless everyone!
Love- The Ruley Family

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 14- March 29, 2020

Happy Sunday!  Today's adventures started with online church around the kitchen table!  I am forever thankful for my friend, Beth, for telling me about their church services being online.  It has been great.  Mia made a cool poster after today's message.  It is going to be odd not celebrating Easter in a church this year, but I already have some holy week activities planned with the kids.

We haven't had much interaction with Mia today.  She said she needed a social distancing break and started cleaning her room....... she just informed me at 10:30 pm that she finished it.  LOL.  At least spring cleaning is getting done!  I did sneak a few pictures of her art from her sketchbook.  She has been working hard on learning how to sketch during her afternoon free-time.  
Her third sketch
This was her first attempt

Brad and I found our bread machine in the backroom and tried our hand at making some cinnamon bread.  He also lovingly refers to me as his roommate most of the time.  What a dork!  I tried to lift him up to see in the window of the bread machine, but discovered that I can no longer lift his giant butt!!  He's like a freaking tank!

I had a quiet afternoon of cutting Mavis' hair and being ambushed by Lucy.  You can't sit down without this little brown dog having to lay on top of you!  

It's cool Lucy... I just wanted to read a book.

Mavis new haircut.  ;)

I ended the day with a windy walk and took some pictures (of course) of the giant fast moving clouds.  Pretty cool to watch!

I hope everyone had a little relaxation today.  Tomorrow is a new week.  Breathe and stay calm.

Love- The Ruley Family

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 13- March 28, 2020

The weather was interesting today.  They had been talking about severe weather since yesterday and to be watching for storms.  This afternoon the weather was.... weird.  Warm, breezy, and that stuffy feeling when the sun peeked through the clouds.  Of course when the weather was near, I headed out with my camera because.... I'm from Iowa.  That's what we do!  The clouds were just amazing for like an hour during sunset and moving very quickly. 

We are lucky and the severe weather went west of here and moved north.  The last thing anyone needs right now is a severe storm.  Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow because we have a lot to do outside during this nice weather stint!  Bring on spring!  Bring on summer!  At least the kids can get outside more during all this and we can work on projects on the mini-farm. 

Putting on the wrap

Window works!  Yeah!
Adam finished the first greenhouse today.  Pretty cool!  It is a lot bigger than it looks and was super easy to make with what we had on hand.  We didn't move it outside today due to the weather forecast.  I know..... it will have to weather all this eventually, but we want to make sure we have all the details finished before we stake it in out back.  Tomorrow we will hopefully be able to drag it out to the place it will be and we can start getting planter boxes ready.  Super excited!  We wanted to do this since summer but never had the time to get it done. 

The kids have been working on cleaning their rooms, going through all their clothes, and re-organizing all their stuff.  This might take all week!  (face palm).  Brad is insistent that if he moves back to his room, I move my air mattress in with him.  I agreed.... he always ends up with me anyway!  Brad has really struggled with all this and stay very close to me all day.  He even took a nap today because he knew I was laying down for a bit.  I try every hard to make him know that he is okay and safe.  He is trying to be positive, but we had a few tears today when the weather was sketchy.  :(  I just hope when this is over, we can build him back up to remember how brave he was during all this.  It's so hard on kids.  Even though we do have 2 hours of academic time everyday, my biggest goal is for the kids to be happy and feel safe throughout all this social distancing.  I can't imagine being a kid and having everything change in literally... one day.  He has started to like my collection of Christian music that plays constantly in the house.  He was singing like crazy earlier today when it was just him and I.  Music makes our house run!

We hope everyone is enjoying their week!  Hard to believe it's been almost two weeks since all our lives changed.  We continue to pray for everyone to stay safe and calm.  This storm will pass.

Love- The Ruley Family

Never miss a sunset!  Find joy in the little things........

Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 12- March 27, 2020

Friday is always something people look forward to.  This Friday was our second Friday social distanced, but still exciting because Adam will be home now for a couple days as the world continues to get crazy.  While drinking my morning tea, I had to take a picture of the simple beauty of my kids doorway art and the shadows it casts in the morning sunrise.  I added the scripture quote it made me think of.  I just love that shadow in the dark.  What glory!

Brad and I started the day doing chicken chores together.  I have to chuckle because his PJs are Mario.  I kept asking him in an Italian accent, "hey-a Mario, you gott-ah feed-ah the chickens."  He was not amused... I thought I was hilarious.  It's funny!  When you are the only adult with kids all day, you find things way more funny than they probably are.... LOL.  
Farming in PJs

Lucy also loves having the kids home.  Her training platform is right next to Brad's chair during math.  She loves to watch his every move during academic time.  :)  She just adores him.... and her haircut looks fabulous.. (HA HA HA!)

Best Friends Forever

Adam and I starting constructing our new greenhouse.  I'm pretty excited!  I have a student who is coaching me on greenhouse gardening everyday by sending me videos of what his family goes.  He even dropped off some buckets to plant in.  It was so good to see him and his family!  I'm learning a lot about my students as people during this distancing.  I teach music so now I get to learn about their other talents.  It's pretty cool!  Adam did a great job figuring out the greenhouse plan and hopefully by Monday it will be outside!  It's not fancy, but it will be a good start on our homesteading projects.
Adam working on the greenhouse

Brad had to check it out to see how tall it was

The kids went on their own adventure today out in the pasture.  They are old enough to explore and get dirty.  They need to run.  Mia took her phone and in typical teenage fashion, she snapped me a few pics... LOL  What a dork!  
Oh I love Snap-chats from Mia.

Mia has been working hard on her Facebook live concert.  She was so excited and took over an hour to get ready!  Which makes me wish we had another bathroom! Good thing the rest of us just wore wigs and bandannas.  If you didn't see it, check her facebook page out:  Amelia Ruley.  She is really growing in her music.  She has music in her soul and I am so blessed she is my kid.  She is a true gift.  In her heel boots she was almost taller than me tonight.  We might be like oil and water sometimes, but she keeps things interesting... and her sarcastic humor and smart-ass traits are a chip off the old block.....(no comment.)  There are moments I bet my dad is laughing his ass off as he looks down on us because my daughter is.......me!  

I hope everyone had a good week.  Enjoy your families this weekend.  Stay safe and God bless.

Love- The Ruley Family

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 11- March 26, 2020

Our finished door project!

We all slept in today.  I was up late talking to some of my students (whom I miss dearly) about their lives.  It is so hard not seeing and talking to them daily.  I feel like when we go back it will be like starting over again.  I'm just glad that they are doing well and are safe. 

I woke up to a little dude sleeping on the floor next to my air mattress.  Brad had a slight cough before bed but no fever.  We did our usual essential oil treatments and upped his vitamins.  He's bouncing off the walls today and doing well.  This virus has ruined my usual "it's just a cold" mentality.  He only coughed once today and felt fine.  We are extra careful though and now Grandma can't come over for awhile to be safe.  I will be glad when it's warmer and we can sit on Mom's porch at a safe distance if this is still going on and at least see her more.  I'll say it... I hate COVID-19. 

On a happy note, today was make a mess day!  Literally.... the house was a disaster!  A few of the neighbors are doing the hearts in the window road trip for the kids so we decorated our windows.  Brad and Mia cut out hearts and wrote all the kids' names on them from our little neighborhood group.  This was a great activity for us.  Brad hates writing so this gave him the chance to do something fun and for him to practice handwriting.  Win/Win for everyone!
Brad working hard to spell the Phanor kids names.

Mia cut hearts as well, but I showed her how to make stained glass windows with paint and tape.  She spent most of the morning designing hers and figuring out how she wanted it.  If you want to do it at your house, all you need is painters tape, acrylic paint, and dish soap.  Pretty easy and it wasn't that messy to clean up.  Now, I'll let you know after Easter how easy it is to get off the windows.  ðŸ˜œ

Paint recipe-  3 tablespoon acrylic paint to 1 tablespoon dish soap
Or any 3:1 ratio.

The comedy of the day was giving our youngest golden-doodle (yes...we have two) a haircut and bath.  We don't have hair cuts scheduled until the end of May and with the musical.... lets just say Lucy hasn't seen the glimmer of scissors in a looooooong time.  I don't have clippers but I watched a few "how to" videos to at least trim her up with scissors.  Oy vey!  By the time we finished, my kitchen and bathroom looked like a dog bomb went off.  Those of my snapchat friends that received the video... you're welcome!  It took me 3 flipping hours to cut this dogs hair with my dog clipping scissors.  By the time I finished, I was COVERED in hair.  Brad was running around in his underwear chasing the wet dog to get her back in the bathroom, Mia was complaining about having to help,  while piles of dog hair are sliding and falling all over my house.  I almost slipped and fell on a pile chasing the dog because it fell off the table.  The best part was Mavis (the other doodle) kept staring at me like, "hell no, you are not cutting my hair."  She refused to come in the bathroom when I was in there with Lucy.  She just stood at the door staring at us.  I get it Mavis... I'll stick to teaching.

Lucy-  See, it's not that bad!  Mavis in the back not making eye contact.

Overall, today was eventful in humor, which I needed.  Happy Thursday!   
Love- The Ruley Family

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 10- March 25, 2020

Pretty uneventful day at the Ruley Ranch.  I had a couple zoom meetings for school while the kids were doing their academic time.  We have a set schedule everyday that seems to be working well for our family.  We are NOT strict about things, but the kids know the general outline of the day.  I have found 100% that a schedule has kept things calmer on days we can't go outside.  It has also helped them look forward to certain parts of that day that are their favorite.
Grandma Karen has been sewing masks for local health centers.  We took a selfie to send to my brothers kids to show what Grandma does during the day.  ðŸ˜‚.  And no, she hasn’t been drinking, she blinked mid picture.  
Mia started rehearsing for her performance on Friday.  We moved all her crap to the entry way and enjoyed listening to her practice.  I have to learn as the music mom to usually shut my mouth and just listen.  Mia is like watching a ground hog in your backyard when she rehearses.  If you startle her, move wrong, or make a comment, she will stare at you for a brief period and then go and hide somewhere.  LOL.

Brad and I had some time together this afternoon.  He needed some Mom time...  We flipped through LTD magazine (which he loves) and looked at all the fun spring stuff.  He's such a soft-hearted little boy who loves is Dad.  I think he spends most of the day talking about what him and Dad are going to do, what he wants to do with Dad, and how cool his Dad is.  It really is so precious.  It has been hard having Adam working through this and trying to distance himself at home for fear of bringing the virus in the house.  He is the only one in our family out and about with other people.  I have moved on to the air mattress in the living room.  Don't worry, by morning I usually have an extra kid, a dog, and sometimes two cats with me.  Just call me Ace Ventura.

I have used some of the quiet times in the day for self care.  I started re-reading my book for the upcoming bible study I’m co-leading online.  If you want a good Christian read, I highly recommend “Its Not Supposed To Be This Way” by Lysa TerKeurst.  A passage today that rang out was, “Though we can't predict or control or demand the outcome of our circumstances, we can know with great certainty we will be okay.  Better than okay.  Better than normal.  We will be victorious because Jesus is victorious.  (1 Corinthians 15:57).  And victorious people were never meant to be normal.  What if the victory is only part in part how things turn out?  What if a bigger part of being victorious is how well we live today?  This hour. This Minute.”  Pretty spot on for my thoughts about the world currently.  I just had a conversation today with a dear friend that this has taught me to live everyday like someone left the gate open.  I have spent more time with my kids in 10 days one-on-one than the whole school year.  I notice small things, I take walks, I listen more, I pray more, we share faith together as a family more, and I love more.  When I come out on the other side of this, I am going to be a better person because instead of fear in all this, I choose love and Jesus.

Thanks to all who read our family posts.  We will see you tomorrow!
Love- The Ruley Family

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 9- March 24, 2020

The kids and I enjoyed the A-MAZING weather this afternoon with a hike.  I took along my camera (imagine that) and took some pictures.  Mavis and Lucy went along as well.  About a half mile in, we realized that cats had followed us as well.  No worries, everyone is safe at home this evening.  No cats were left behind!  Brad brought along his baseball and played fetch with the dogs.  I love this pictures of Mavis. LOL.

 The kids spent a lot of the afternoon exploring, drawing, getting dirty, and watching the wildlife in the pasture.  We saw 2 geese, 1 eagle, and a dead squirrel.  Guess which one the kids begged me to take a picture of????  I did NOT post that picture!  Brad took off for awhile following cow paths down to the creek.  The kids loves to explore and pretend.  I also think it was a tough decision to decide which stick he was going to be able to bring home.  He's a collector of odd things... but that's okay.  He's a keeper.  That damn Shrek hat he insists on wearing.. EVERYWHERE!  It makes my heart happy seeings that only a few weeks ago, we were performing a musical and now we are stuck is social distancing.  Perspective!

Mia... can you smile normal?  No?  Okay, I'm taking the picture.

Hey Mom!  Take my picture!
Mia spent most of the afternoon sketching..which I'm not allowed to post.  (Damn teenager!)  I'll sneak some drawing in this sometime.  She's working on her sketch skills and her music concert from home on Friday.  My house is constantly active, which I feel very blessed to be here for during this time.  I do home that when they look back on this, some of their best memories will be the time we spent together.  

In Brad's journal this evening, his favorite part of the day was visiting his favorite tree.  In the pasture, there is this ugly dead tree that stands at the foot of a large hill by the creek.  It's going to fall down sometime in a storm, but Brad insisted we go and visit that tree.  I usually just pass this tree and don't think much up it.  Today, I see it a little differently.  It's is quite stunning.  I added my new perspective to make probably one of my favorite photos I've taken.  Thanks Brad for helping me see some new perspective today when you stop and look around.  
Love- The Ruley Family 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 8- March 23, 2020

I find it exciting that every morning I take two walks.  One with the kids and one without the kids.  I'm usually up earlier than them and I like to "social distance" myself before the day starts.  I use this time for prayer, blaring music, or just some silence.  Today I woke up to snow.  Even though I'm not a huge fan of snow, Lucy and Mavis are!  They were so excited to run the pasture and play! Oh course, I used this quiet opportunity to bring along my SLR camera and take some pictures.
 Lucy had a pretty good time rolling around in the snow.  Mavis... she tries so hard to be a real dog, but she always manages to mess it up.  LOL.  Today the snow kept getting in her paw hair and she would stop and look at me like, "Mom, I don't know what to do!"  Lucy would run circles around her, jump on her, tackle her and had zero issues.

We did take a break at our campground to visit my favorite tree.  I freaking love this tree.  It sits behind the old Millrock School House.  I always wonder if this tree could talk, what would it tell me of our area.  So much history of a ghost town long gone.


 After rolling the kids out of bed we took another walk.  This time, no puppies!  We were lucky enough to watch a flock of geese fly over.  Brad thought he could race them down the highway.  It was the fastest moving we had out of him on any daily walk.  The boy is slow and always finding something interesting to stop and look at.  LOL.  Mia is constantly yelling, "BRAD, what are you doing!"  
"Mom, do you think I can run as fast as the geese?"- Brad

Brad is currently working on his week project of a Solar System presentation for our academic time.  He loves space.  And, it gets him to read, write, create, and present.  It's a win!  Mia is preparing a Facebook live concert for Friday at 7:00 pm.  I figure, why not!?  Buddy the cat always love to hang out with us at home school central on the tall table.  He loved it so much, he chewed through my headphone cord... oh vey!  

My own adventures; I'm working on starting a bible study with some ladies, designing a composting area, and designing a new chicken coop.  I'm also looking at how to build a cheap greenhouse with what we have.  Ideas I never had time for, but now... I have time.  I'm not complaining, I need some hobbies!  I never knew I didn't have hobbies until I didn't have school.  It's weird.

Hope everyone is staying safe!  

Love- The Ruley Family

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day 7- March 22, 2020

Today was a lazy day at the Ruley's.  We did online church and then our family bible study this evening.  Oddly, they both had the same message of not having fear and anxiety in the face of adversity.  Jesus stayed calm throughout the storm because He knew God would look after Him.  We, too, can have the faith to believe that God is always good.  He is always with us, even when things look scary.  My two cents; get off social media if you are fearful and anxious, too.  Take a walk, read a book with fun, watch a comedy, take a nap, eat some ice cream.  It is okay to log off and just take a break.  

Brad and Adam worked on their solar system project today.  Brad LOVES space.  I told him this week his job was to write and give a presentation on all the planets.  Secretly he will be "learning."  Don't tell him that!  

Mia was grounded from her phone today....so she did a lot of drawing with her new sketch supplies.  Poor kid... no phone.  Sorry, not sorry!  Adam and I had fun sending a snap to all her friends saying she would be back online Monday.  LOL.  

We did a music outing today and watched "Wicked" online.  It was a little annoying with a zillion ads, but it was free and Mia was so excited to watch it.  Maybe that will not replace the Frozen 2 songs that she was singing all week.  
Tonight we enjoyed a facetime call with our cousin, Katie, in Wisconsin.  :)  Brad now has Messenger Kids and decided to call her.  For all family, beware.  Brad loves to facetime!  
We are entering week two tomorrow of social distancing.  Our family continues to follow guidelines and we will also be helping Mom make masks this week.  Tomorrow I'm helping with food box pickup.  I pray daily for my family and friends in health care.  And all others who are trying to keep our country up and running with supplies and working daycare, etc.  You are my heroes.

See you all tomorrow... from a safe distance!
The Ruley Family