We have been keeping busy with school work, Holy Week activities, new ducks and chicks, and keeping as sane as can be. Aren’t we all???? I took my first trip to Walmart since this all started... that was interesting. I wore my mask and did my part. What an odd feeling???? Post-corona is going to be weird seeing people's faces again at stores. LOL.
Brad has been working in math on money, telling time, and multiplication. He loves to play "Mom's Toy Store" where he has to buy his toys and pay me when money in the change jar. (And yes, I washed the money before we used it! GROSS!)
Mia has been really enjoying our Holy Week activities. We made bread for "the bread of life" and the next day we made french toast with it. We watched a tour of the Holy Land online. She is really interested in this and is actually turning it into a school project.

Brad has been working in math on money, telling time, and multiplication. He loves to play "Mom's Toy Store" where he has to buy his toys and pay me when money in the change jar. (And yes, I washed the money before we used it! GROSS!)

The weather was nice on Tuesday... so I let the kids go creek stomping. Probably the highlight of their week, especially when Mia fell in because she is super graceful! It was a gorgeous day outside so I brought along the camera. (of course!)

Adam surprise the kids with baby ducks and chicks today. We already have a 4 pack Happy Meal, but we need more laying hens.... and I guess some ducks. THEY ARE SO CUTE! Brad was pumped! The best part of bringing one inside and it jumped out of my lap and went after Mavis (our golden-doodle.) She hid on the couch then! Wuss. Brad is already calling himself a duck farmer. Oy vey! We will see how he feels after a few days with more chores added before breakfast! One of the ducks has one eye, so we call him One Eyed Willie after the movie, "The Goonies." The others are Huey, Duey, Louie, and Uncle Scrooge. The chicks do not have names yet. We already have a Batman and Mrs. Peckers.........who knows what Brad will go with.

As for me... I am trying to balance some school things, teaching the kids, making sure things are safe here, planning bible study for my group, and finding peace in small moments. I really just take it day to day and enjoy all the moments I'm having with the kids. Throughout the week, I always take pictures. I love to see the wonder and beauty of everyday. Here is my favorite! There is beauty in every storm is you just look for it. This is how I truly see the world.

Take care and God bless- The Ruley Family
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