I'm a little late this week with our "daily update." We have been busy this week! As busy as you can be during a worldwide pandemic!
This week our district did a "parade" with any staff member that wanted to participate. We drove to all our small towns and waved and honked at the kids standing in their yards. It was so overwhelming to be a part of it. You never really realize the little things you take for granted until they change so drastically. We all have days in education that are tough, but this is the toughest moments right now. It makes me sad not seeing my "kids" everyday. I also received all the photos from another teacher to put together the district video. That in itself was an emotional roller-coaster! I was very please the way it all came together.

I feel blessed that I'm a teacher on the other hand to be able to plan for my own kids school routines. The kids are enjoying their lessons. As a Mom of faith, I have added devotional/bible study time to their daily routines. As Holy Week approaches, we have daily activities planned and I will attempt having a Passover meal lesson. Wish me luck on that! I learn a lot as I find lessons for them as well. Today Mia's "fun assignment" was watching a TED talk and writing me three paragraphs about it. I have also found she really is interested in natural health alternatives. She learned some essential oil protocols this evening and then practiced them on her brother and myself. To each there own, but she's a believer based on her own experiences with holistic health practices for her anxiety and when she doesn't feel good. It's been impressive watching her ask questions about stuff. She even touched Brad's feet to apply oils! LOL. That was impressive in itself! Overall, homeschooling is a lot of work for parents. I spend nights and morning getting things ready for the kids, but am thankful that at home, I can do it my own way and the kids are done with school by noon. Brad and Lucy took a nap today after his reading time. I guess rest time is still important! This teacher took a three hour nap this afternoon, too! Brad is rocking telling time and basic single digit multiplication. He has a review quiz on 3 digit addition and subtraction, too. He was mostly excited for history video time. He loves them!
The kids have also been keeping up on their daily journals and they write letters for Adam to cheer him up because he is still working. They like to hide them in his stuff. I know it is hard for him and the kids miss him and worry about him while he's at work. He is helping build COVID units for other states which is cool. He has sent us videos of what he is building to show Brad.
Brad and Lucy |
Brad's morning routine board |
Mia's morning routine board |
We have spent the afternoons outside as much as possible getting the greenhouse area ready and cleaning brush to build the chicken coop. Brad mostly loves the brush fires and the barrels we are going to use for rain collection and some larger planters. He mostly enjoyed burning things and rolling down the hills while people weren't looking. We got a lot accomplished yesterday and my body is TOTALLY telling me that today! Mia and Grandma cleaned up the woodpile area and picked up walnuts. It's nice to see them spend so much time together and not be rushed. We plan on finished the coop this weekend so we can get more chicks this weekend as well.
Brad...what are you doing? |
Work break to roll the barrels |
Mom has still been sewing masks at home when she's not outside. I finally gave in and grabbed some for Adam and I to wear if we have to go to town. Just trying to do our part to help on essential visits. Adam said on his next visit he's picking up some Batman fabric. LOL. I guess floral prints aren't his thing!
We continue to pray for all those on the front lines of this virus daily. I hope everyone is well and had a quiet week! If any other family wants the Holy Week activities we are doing, let me know! I can email it to you!
With Love- The Ruley Family