So, this evening I decided to take my camera and go take pictures of the beautiful moon. As I was driving out of town, I began thinking about all the craziness in the world and was excited to just spend a few minutes in God's creation. I drove the mini-van out to the "middle of nowhere," meaning no city light would effect the pictures. Out on some gravel east of Maquoketa, I pulled my van over and began to get the tripod ready. I nice song came on the radio and I turned it up to listen, reflect, and just enjoy my 10 minutes of God's beauty.
Okay, I may be over 30, but being out in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, during a full moon, is still scary. But, I talked myself up and turned my headlights off to make sure they didn't get in the way of my pictures.
I stepped out of the van and began to set up the tripod for pictures. I just reveled in the beauty of that moon! WOW! With all the talk of crazy solar storms and the Mayan Calendar crap on the news, I just wanted to chill and enjoy it. That is when it got REALLY SCARY!
About this time, a DAMN DOG comes barking and running out of the field next me! You talk about getting the crap scared out of you! I almost thought I peed myself. Luckily, I was far enough away to get in the van without injury or assault. Moral of the story: When taking pictures in the dark, bring extra underwear and a flashlight!
And a dog whistle...and maybe some pepper spray. :) Did you get to take any pictures?