Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hold Me Together

I find it funny that just when you think you know it all, sometimes God puts a piece of information in front of you to remind you that you really don't have it all together without Him.  This evening, while tucking in my son to bed,  I wasn't really into it because I was still thinking about my day. I was overthinking situations, feeling sorry for myself, and trying to control what I was going to do next.  It was not a top parenting moment for me.  I know we have all been there.

As I focused in on my son's reading, he started reading about holding it all together, mortar, and bricks.  His devotional is about science and God because it keeps him reading it.  I mean, who wouldn't love a devotional that talks about the fact that King Tut's casket was glued together with animal bones and skin.  (Who knew?  LOL)  As the reading went on, it began to talk about the glue that holds cells together.  It is called laminin.  And guess what, laminin is shaped like a cross.  Yup, well played God.  I think I read this phrase a few times, stared at the picture, maybe fact checked google, and then stopped and thought very deeply.  "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together"  Colossians 1:17  That's when it hit me quite hard like a slap that I was being an idiot and thinking selfishly.  Even when I'm feeling overwhelmed with life; laminin and Jesus holds me- and all things- together.

I know sometimes the glue of faith seems to be invisible.  Who has prayed and never received an answer?  (raises hand)  Who has prayed and didn't receive what you wanted? (Raises hand)  Yeah, we've all been there.  But I have also found that sometimes God's fingerprints are often invisible until you look at them in the rear view mirror.  He is there.  He is the comfort of a friend to talk to.  He is the text checking in on you.  He is the hug from a family member.  He never left you, but you were too busy seeking to see what you wanted that you missed him there in front of your face the whole time.  (face palm moment)

Faith is invisible but foundational in the pursuit of holding it all together.  And the great thing about God is that, even when you are falling apart, He loves you anyway and is there with you.  What an amazing feeling!  I am loved, even on a day that I really am not loving myself.  I am loved on the day my hair looks like a hot mess.  I am loved on the day I mismatched my shoes in the dark.  (Yes, this happened) Just say it, I AM LOVED!  I am held together.  According to Jesus, true happiness does not come from all things that society suggests (Matthew 4:23-5:20)  Those Beatitudes in the bible have a great ring to them and hold more ground than followers on Twitter.  Jesus' motive is love and compassion.  In Matthew 9:36, the strongest for love in Greek is the bible this word was only used for Jesus in original translations. Translated it literally means "he was gutted" because his heart broke for humankind.  He was standing in front of crowds of people who were troubled, who needed help, and had nobody.  Crazily, that is me at this moment.  Sitting in my kids bed, troubled with thoughts, pouting, needing help, and feeling alone.  But guess what? Laminin and Jesus are there.  They may be invisible to the naked eye, but I know they are both holding me together today.  True happiness and peace are found in a relationship with God.  Tonight I will be remembering Psalm 4:7-8- "You have put more joy and rejoicing in my heart. In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety and confident trust."
I am held together by laminin until my physical end but eternally held by the Lord.

Amen and Goodnight.